Thursday, November 10, 2011


Why does Meddy suggest this is relevant?  What is one rhetorical strategy used by the video's creators?

In the video, we see a baby interacting with an Apple iPad and magazines. With the iPad, the baby's untrained and clumsy fingers can cause pictures to move and screens to change. When the same baby attempts to perform the same movements upon a magazine, she finds no activity. Pictures don't move and screens don't change. That's when the video creator asks the rhetorical question, "Is it broken or what?"

The magazine is, in fact, not broken. Magazines cannot be broken, unlike the iPad, only torn. When a magazine tears, you shrug and throw it away. When an iPad breaks? You might cry. It was expensive, don't you know? This video is relevant to what we're doing in class because it shows a remediation of writing. Print vs. electronic text. The new generation is growing up with electronics right and left, receiving the trendiest smartphones at the early age of five and the newest video game consoles the moment they're old enough to hold a controller. What will become of print text? Who knows?

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