Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Prezis for Groups 1 and 3

Group 1, Chapter 1
  • print changing, becoming less popular, still popular to authors
  • "This will replace that"
  • electronic writing takes less effort
  • reader becomes author because they can change what they read, the accessability of electronic text
  • electronic text can be changed for the worst
  • censorship less controlled on digital texts (links can lead anywhere, advertisements)
  • written text requires no tools, but print process might
  • advantages of books - physical advantages
  • word processor - typographic
  • electronic text appeals to larger group
  • electronic text - more visually complex, easily manipulated
Possible argument: Is digital text a fad or here to stay? Is it growing out of human control?

Group 3, Chapter 2
  • computer capable of catering to reader's needs (ie: formatting, editing)
  • writing = organizing verbal ideas in visual space
  • physical communication with computer, therefore natural
  • computers go hand-in-hand with culture
  • writing space becomes more advanced to meet the challenge of evolving writing
  • computer fine tunes printed book
  • computers evolved society into media culture
  • electronic writing is flexible and interactive, makes writing come to life
Possible argument: The computer is a more evolved form of writing and is more natural than one would think.

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