Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Thoughts on Diction

In chapter six of Writing with Style, diction is discussed. The chapter mentions points covered in class, so much was review. However, the points made are still valid and important to keep in mind. Two pieces of advice - to keep the prose concise and to use "vigorous" verbs- can be tied together. By using the recommendations hand-in-hand, one is able to form tasteful sentences. If one is too wordy, it often makes the sentence awkward and rough, where it could be flowing and smooth.

I found these two pieces of information to be the most useful to me. I am disappointed to say that I find my vocabulary lacking more so than what I would prefer; my words are too simple to give my sentences much power. Before reading this chapter, however, I did not know that I could drastically change my writing style by exchanging one verb for another. I also have a problem with wordiness, thus I was also able to take advice away about making my sentences more concise. If I work on improving my verb choices and over-all vocabulary, I hope that my writing will also improve exponentially.

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